
Recommendations for freezing food

5 min read
Unsure of how long to freeze your food for? See recommendations on freezing your food.

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Food Type Duration Guide
Bacon & Sausage Bacon 1 to 2 months
Sausage, raw - from chicken, turkey, pork, beef
Hamburger & other Ground Meats Hamburger, ground beef, turkey, veal, pork, lamb, & mixtures of them 3 to 4 months
Fresh Beef, Veal, Lamb & Pork Steaks 6 to 12 months
Chops 4 to 6 months
Roasts 4 to 12 months
Fresh Poultry Chicken or turkey, whole 12 months
Chicken or turkey, pieces 9 months
Soups & Stews Vegetable or meat added 2 to 3 months
Leftovers Cooked meat or poultry 2 to 6 months
Chicken nuggets or patties 1 to 3 months
Pizza 1 to 2 months